Rolling Victory Fast: say NO to Cindy!
Today I am fasting. And not for health reasons, either. No, today I am giving up chocolate to take part in the Rolling Victory Fast; a way to show support for our troops, and to protest against what Cindy Sheehan is doing. (Apparently she went on some hunger strike... and don't we all wish she hadn't stopped!)
Besides a great way to give your body a break, it's also a great way to give our soldiers a break from all this Cindy Sheehan stuff, and let them know that real people support them and the cause they fight for. Don't hesitate; get yourself on the list and protest Cindy Sheehan!
Right... Sorry, but I fail to see how my not eating would help the troops.
It's more of the idea that I got my name on a list which other soldiers can see; there are a LOT of people on this list fasting for one day just to show they oppose Cindy Sheehan and support our troops. Just a way to get people involved; and get healthy in the doing so! :)
Hope your day is going well. :) Cindy Sheehan's "rolling fast" (full of trips to Starbucks & milkshakes) won't 'bring the troops home fast', I'm sure we know that. The Tanker Bros. attempt to combat all the defeatism, however, is positive in the sense that like minded people can join together to do something symbolic to show support for our troops in harm's way.
Lots of people are doing it in honor or in memory of someone who is or has served & that's great too.
Plus, all our proceeds (donations & shirt $) will go to help our designated wounded hero, Chad.
So, good work!!
umm, last i checked - starving yourself isn't exactly healthy.
Also - i'm glad you supposedly "support the troops" but yet you wish harm upon a mother of a fallen soldier.
I don't see how fasting in the style of Cindy Sheehan's Hollywood Buddies (24 hour rolling fast) is harmful to Sheehan.
We're doing this to show a commitment to our deployed Soldiers and to Victory in the War on Terror.
I didn't read anywhere in Jennifer's post where she wished any harm to anyone at all.
And as Melinda stated, the proceeds of our efforts go to help one of our wounded Soldiers, SGT Chad.
OBTW: fastng for 24 hours is in no way, shape, or form detrimental to your health.
...what Cindy Sheehan is doing. (Apparently she went on some hunger strike... and don't we all wish she hadn't stopped!)
asking that someone not stop starving themselves implies wishing harm to someone.
Actually, according to Mother Sheehan's blog, her "fast" consisted of pigging out on icecream, coffee and jamba juice.
As Michelle Malkin said, "Moonbat fasting sure beats Catholic fasting.*"
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