Friday, May 26, 2006

For a moment... and always

After setting up tables and preparing my dance for Em’s graduation, my head started to ache from the activity and overpowering smells of potpourri. Things started to quiet down as we left the finishing touches on the tables and prepared to leave. The back door of the church was propped open, and as I walked to stand looking out from the doorway, I beheld a beautiful sight. The church set on a hill looking out over the small town, I could see the clusters of green trees rustling in the gentle, perfect wind and the tips of rooftops all over town. The clouds were lined with gold as the magnificent sun shone it’s rays onto my face and enhanced the quaint little town below me.

Over the rooftops and peeking through the trees I could make out the cross steeple of the Lutheran church, as it was silhouetted against the awesome, golden, billowing clouds on the horizon. For one moment on this evening of May 26th, everything was perfect and heavenly to behold. God’s glory, unbound, unleashed, shone forth in quiet splendor and magnificence; reminding me of His firm, yet gentle hold on creation and man.

Though the sun has dipped below the trees and all outside is now cool and dark, I know that tomorrow the sun shall rise again; bringing with it a new day in which I can behold God’s perfect creation, and drink in the warmth of His embrace.


Frazzledsister said...

That potpurri sure was strong.

Anna Naomi said...

Beautiful description of the city as the sun was going down! I really like the tital, "For a moment... and alwasy"! I hope that everything went well today!

Frazzledsister said...

HAAAA ha ha! Good one.