Feminists for life...
Watching the national news a couple of days ago I heard of an organization with an interesting name; feminists for life. I hadn’t really been paying attention to what was flashing across the screen (tends to happen when you only get the painfully liberalistic channels) and so decided to check out their website.
They are quite obviously a pro-choice, feministic organization, but interestingly they are endorsing the pro-choice idea by arguing that women deserve more than an abortion when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.
They started their website “because women deserve better choices”, and while I can’t say I completely agree with everything they promote, I definitely stand at the same point in that too many women are pressured into getting an abortion. Whether it be the pressure from a boyfriend, family member or the stone-faced doctor telling them that life doesn’t matter, frustrated, hurt women today are constantly being pushed to do something they hardly understand…
In an article on their website titled “Women’s right to know” a former anonymous abortion physician said "Abortion is a tragedy. To every woman it is scary, it costs money, and is often painful physically and emotionally. The job of a physician is to make people well and prevent illness and surgery. We should be working to prevent the need for an abortion."
After hearing so often from liberal anti-life protesters that abortion is the only way, I’m just surprised that this “pro-choice” organization would send out the unique message; that women deserve to be told the truth about life, so that they can make not only a choice, but the right choice.
i agree. abortion is no good. but there are those special cases when that is all you can do. are you looking foward to your trip?
I've never heard any "liberal" "left-wing" people that think abortion is the "only way" -- where did you get that idea.
there are many many pro-choice organizations that argue abortion is wrong, but women should never be put in the position to begin with. i think if you explore other pro-choice organizations, you would find similar sentiments.
Pro-choice, doesn't mean pro-abortion....it just means, pro-choice for each woman on their own. education, options, abstinence are equally important to be taught to young women.
Pro-choice means that you accept murder.
Abortion is simply the dirty bubble rising up from the sludge on the bottom of the pond. It's a sign of our decrepit society, and we will make little headway against it if we don't address the real issue here: the lack of Christ and a relationship with Him.
However, I do agree that there are obvious practical things that we can do, and teaching abstinence is certainly a primary one of them.
pro-choice means it is NOT YOUR BUSINESS to tell any woman what to do with her body. That's all. A baby becomes a person, under the law, when it is born. when it leaves the mother's body.
pro-choice, does NOT mean you are pro-abortion.
learn the difference.
what would you do if you were raped?
Regardless of what the law says a baby is a baby from the very beginning. What needs changed is the law. Why should a woman be allowed to kill another human being because she doesn't want to deal with it. It's hard but that little "blob" is the future, and thousands upon thousands of our world's future citiznes are being murdered daily. If I were raped, and I have given this a lot of thought, I would have the baby. The fact that a terrible crime was commited aganist me does not give me the right to commit a terrible crime against another living being. That baby is precious, even before it is able to speak for itself. It's not just an issue of a woman and her body. It's a woman, her body, abd her BABY. No matter what the law says that is a little child, who deseves a chance at life.
What would I do if I were raped? Sadly that's a question that can seriously be considered in my day. I would either 1. keep my baby and with my parent's help raise it at home or 2. find another loving home for it... have you ever read the newspapers and seen how many young parents are pleading for a child to love? So many couples are wanting, so many babies are dying... so many mistakes are being made by aborting a child.
Abortion should not be an option: it definitely will never be one for me.
so what if a girl is raped by a relative? an uncle, cousin, brother? then they get pregnant. so the girl is forced to carry around a person that was unwanted and forced upon her for nine months?
are you kidding? the fact is, that is a horrible situation, but you cannot ruin and punish a rape victim's life even further.
that is why, abortion IS an option.
a baby is not a life until it can exist outside of the woman's womb. in the early stages, it can only exist because it is attached to its mother. it is NOT another person yet.
yes, at some point while inside the mother it reaches viability, and yes, perhaps the laws should be changed to recognize that. but to completely take away a woman's right to choose is wrong.
and i don't believe in God and i don't believe in Jesus. so you see, it doesn't matter to me what the teachings of Christ are, it matters to me what the reality in the world today is.
Your entire comment makes little sense! You first say that "a baby is not a life until it can exist outside of the woman's womb." but then you say "at some point while inside the mother it reaches viability, and yes, perhaps the laws should be changed to recognize that".
And a baby is still dependant on its mother, or another human being, for quite a while after it is born.
"A baby is not a life until it can exist outside of the woman's womb."
That disturbs me. You see, the tacit argument that you are making here is that if a person cannot exist on his/her own, he/she is not a life. I'm reminded of all the people in hospitals in ICU right now depending on breathing machines, feeding tubes, and other life-support systems.
The teachings of Christ are consistent with reality. If you can find some that are not, please show me. I would genuinely want to know.
by definition - a baby is not a "person" under the law until birth.
a baby is viable, and can live on its own outside of the womb, about midway through the 9 month term.
before that baby is viable, it is attached to the mother's body and cannot live if taken out of the womb.
I say, as long as the fetus needs the mother's connection to exist, it is not its own life. therefore,a woman can abort at any time she wants.
and your beliefs are that a life exists at conception, based on what you read in the bible and from Christian teachings.
I don't believe in God. I don't read the Bible. I believe in science.
So you don't believe in God you believe in Science. I see... well I believe that God had a plan for that little baby and it is murder to kill an inocent human being! He has a purpose for everyone of us!
If it's not life, then why do they have to kill it? Anonymous, are you glad your mother did not abort you?
Why do you turn to the State to define when life starts, When you can ask the all powerfull God.
muder is no choice
is it alright to kill a unwanted baby after he/she is born?
here is an interesting article that examines from a scientific and philosophical perspective the question of whether the unborn are human:
The rape argument is insignificant. Only 1 or 2 pregnancies result from rape for every 1,000 rape victims. Also, the number of pregnancies occurring from incest is very low, something like less than 1% of teenage pregnancies are from incest. Further, the majority of rape victims choose to carry their babies full term.
Encouraging a woman to abort her child is no cure for rape or unwanted pregnancies. Abortion leaves deep scars on those who have an abortion. Many women who have had abortions struggle with committing suicide. I know, because my mom had an abortion shortly before she became a Christian. She has researched the issue and counseled other women who have had abortions.
At conception, there is absolutely no doubt that something begins to live. If it's not a person, what is it?
Basic science. Foxes bring forth foxes. Rabbits bring forth rabbits. Elephants bring forth elephants. Humans bring forth...fetuses??! What?!
I believe in science too. I'm a science freak. But I have yet to see how science and the Bible are incompatible.
The law can be changed. When life begins is an absolute, regardless of the law.
How is someone dependant on someone or something else to live less of a human being? I certainly hope I never have to go on life-support.....
Science has declared that an eagle egg can not be harmed or destroyed in any way because it will grow up to be a full grown eagle, who is a protected species. To have consistency, if we say that eagles are protected by protecting their eggs, then the same is true for humans. If we are to protect human life, we must also protect unborn human life. Science must be consistent with itself.
Anonymous says he/she doesn't believe in God and therefore will not listen to those viewpoints. That is precisely why she cannot understand keeping the baby of a rape. Without God we are self-centered and focus on doing what is best for ME. It is only in Christ that we have the ability to copy Him and deny ourselves for the sake of someone else, hence giving the baby life, even if it means some hardship for me.
You are calling me self-centered? you have no idea what i do in the way of charitable activities. You see, the difference between you and me is that I care about taking care of people who are on this earth and living breathing human beings. I am not about to tell another human being what she can or cannot do with her body, because, IT IS HER BODY! And I don't want to emulate Christ because Christ is a fiction, and myth that you people need to give something good to your life. You cannot live without some belief in an "Afterlife" which probably doesn't exist. Regardless...there are millions of homeless starving children in this world that are not taken care of. Examine the Child Protective Services in New York, Chicago, or any major city. There are too many unwanted children in this world that go unloved, and without families to raise them. I've spent time volunteering in Brooklyn Family Court and have seen it first hand.
are you, your white family in Nebraska prepared to adopt and care for an 8 year old black boy who's mother is in prison for selling crack and his father is unknown? are you? Because there are thousands of children just like him that are housed in shelters and the foster care system and lead extremely difficult lives.
A woman's body is not owned by the state, or by YOUR religion. It is her own body.
Just as you get to choose what's right for your life and your family, every other person has a right to choose for themselves. ANd until you're ready to get involved with the unwanted children already living on this earth, MotherPearl....why don't you stop worrying about those that aren't here yet.
you didn't answer my question.
of course the mother is irresponsible. of course she shouldn't have had this child in the first place.
but what about the child? are you prepared to take care of the millions of children in this nation that are being raised in orphanages, foster care system or shelters because the parents are unprepared and unable to care for them.
of course i don't think abortion should be the first choice. but spend a day in family court in any major city adn you'll see that when a 25 year old woman with 5 children (by 5 different fathers) comes in and is pregnant and doesn't want to have that child, abortion is a reasonable and viable option.
what do you think happens instead to that 6th child?
this is a reality. and don't talk to me about adoption. How many families in Nebraska want to adopt black children from inner city homes that were born to drug addicted parents?
Obviously, there should be better education, better sex education, schools should give abstinance and birth control options, and that's ONLY a beginning. abortion is a legal and viable option for many women in this situation.
you shouldn't be so quick to judge just because you have different beliefs. you are entitled to your beliefs, but you don't have the right to judge others simply because they don't agree with your religion.
Anonymous, I did not say that you are self-centered, I said that "we" are. All of us, every last one, have a sinful nature, which means we are self-centered, we care more about ourselves than we do others, that is our natural way. One quick test to illustrate this is, if you are serving a dessert to yourself and others, do you take the best piece for yourself or the worst one? I always want to take the best one!! It is human nature. And abortion is a more extreme example of this. If a person can not care for a child that person should sacrifice and not have sex. That is a principle of life. If that person goes ahead and has sex, gets pregnant, then she should change her life to accomodate the child to meet its needs. If she really can't, there are thousands of parents in our country who are longing to adopt a baby. But killing it is a heartless act of selfishness, on top of the selfishness of the sex. I am not pointing a finger at you or anyone else, just stating an opinion.
As far as sex education, it has been around in abundance for the last 30 years. I don't think more of it will solve the problem of our corruptness. We have cheapened sex by talking about a private, intimate act between marital partners, plastering it all over TV screens and many forms of entertainment, so thus it has become an expected "right" for all, rather than a privilege to be shared in a marriage.
We have had legal abortion in our country for the last...40? years and it hasn't solved the problem of women having multiple babies with multiple fathers, none of which want to fulfill the role of a father, and ending up in the neglect or abuse of the children. Sin causes that and abortion is not the solution!
"For the wages of sin is death (spiritual death, which you have seen in family court in the big city), but the free gift of God is eternal life." (Life which gives love and kindness, even to the unlovable - and yes, many Christians are adopting or caring for those unloveable children, even if I am not, right at the moment.)
you make it all seem so simple.
spend a day in the South Bronx.
Or Brownsville, Brooklyn.
The problem perpetuates itself. You have women getting pregnant as teenagers. And babies born that ARE NOT being taken care of. And for you to say that "americans want those babies" -- if that were true, the NYC Child Protective Services System wouldn't be overflowing without homes to place these children in.
Until you experience the life that people live, who are you to judge them?
many of these people have sex because it is enjoyable to them. and they live in very ugly place and have very sad and poor lives.
should they have sex? No, ideally, they should not. But when you are living a life scraping by, wondering how you'll pay your bills and who will feed you, sex feels good. it makes a person happy. that's how these teenage mothers explain it. and yes, many of them try to keep the baby and raise it.
it is a perpetual, societal problem.
I am not PRO-ABORTION. But i have seen, first hand, women put in situations (Yes, sometimes by their own doing, but sometimes not) where they cannot afford to raise the child they are carrying, and they have nowhere else to place it. Ideally, they SHOULD never get pregnant, but once they have, sometimes, abortion at an early enough stage, BEFORE a baby can exist outside the womb of its mother is not a horrible thing.
I seriously believe that until you see the environments like these, you probably cannot understand it.
And for all these families that you know of, who want to adopt foster care children from inner city shelters and homes, please, tell them to Contact The Legal Aid Society of New York, Children's Rights Division. I guarantee, they will help find a child.
You say your not Pro-abortion? What are you then? You clearly state in your comments that a baby is not a human-being until after it leaves its mother's body. You also leave very little room for doubt that if you were raped and became pregant (I'm supposing that you are a girl here.) you would abort your baby.
I would like to ask you a few questions:
1. Are you saying that you were not living/a human being before you were born?
2. IF a baby is not living before it is born, why can you here its heartbeat inside the womb?
3. What about partial birth abortion? Do you believe that that is the woman's "choice" too?
4. YOu say Jesus is a myth. Are you saying that he never lived? Because if you are, it might interest you to know that there is historical proof, outside of the Bible that he lived.
1. Are you saying that you were not living/a human being before you were born?
No, i was not a person until i could breath or exist on my own without the attachment to my mother's body. traditionally, that would be approximately 9 months...however, with medical technologies, that stage at which a baby can exist is much earlier. but for the first few months, i could not exist without my mother, and i was a part of her.
2. IF a baby is not living before it is born, why can you here its heartbeat inside the womb?
It is a growing organism...as it grows, one organ that grows is the heart. again, until that heart can beat without attachment to the mother, it is still apart of the mother.
3. What about partial birth abortion? Do you believe that that is the woman's "choice" too?
Partial-birth abortion is an extremely rare surgery which is performed in cases where the baby and/or mother's life or health is at serious risk. I do not believe a woman shoudl be able to choose to abort an otherwise healthy living being inside of her once the child has reached viability. However, if the baby has severe health defects or the mother's reproductive system, or life is at risk, then yes, i believe that medical procedure shoudl be available in the rarest occasion that it is necessary.
4. YOu say Jesus is a myth. Are you saying that he never lived? Because if you are, it might interest you to know that there is historical proof, outside of the Bible that he lived.
No Jesus may have existed and lived. But I believe he was just another man. I do not believe he was the son of God, i believe that he has been turned into a myth and that the Bible is nothing more than stories and fables. the Bible and Jesus have no bearing on choices i make in my life.
"No, i was not a person until i could breath or exist on my own without the attachment to my mother's body. traditionally, that would be approximately 9 months...however, with medical technologies, that stage at which a baby can exist is much earlier. but for the first few months, i could not exist without my mother, and i was a part of her."
Ah, but when a baby is born it is entirely depended on somebody else, it can't live without somebody else feeding and taking care of it, therefore, by your logic, a baby isn't an actual human-being until, it is at least capable of putting food into its own mouth.
"It is a growing organism...as it grows, one organ that grows is the heart. again, until that heart can beat without attachment to the mother, it is still apart of the mother."
Let me put a hypothetical question to you; suppose you got into a car accident and your body was so damaged that you had to be put on a feeding tube (there would still be every chance of you getting better), you couldn't exist without it. By your logic here also, you would not be alive/a human-being, because you couldn't live without that feeding tube. Therefore, the doctors would then be able to make the choice of taking off that feeding tube and letting you die (even if there was the possibilty of you recovering) or leaving it.
"Partial-birth abortion is an extremely rare surgery which is performed in cases where the baby and/or mother's life or health is at serious risk. I do not believe a woman shoudl be able to choose to abort an otherwise healthy living being inside of her once the child has reached viability. However, if the baby has severe health defects or the mother's reproductive system, or life is at risk, then yes, i believe that medical procedure shoudl be available in the rarest occasion that it is necessary."
Partial birth abortion is never necessary. Even if the mother's life is in danger. God has the power to save that mother's life without that baby (which as you admit) is a living human being. Don't you think that that little person has the right to live also?
"No Jesus may have existed and lived. But I believe he was just another man. I do not believe he was the son of God, i believe that he has been turned into a myth and that the Bible is nothing more than stories and fables. the Bible and Jesus have no bearing on choices i make in my life."
You say Jesus has no bearing on the choices you make? I'm happy to say that you are wrong; Jesus is at this moment watching over you (whether you choose to admit it or not) and he has a plan for your life just as much as he has a plan for mine. You will never be truly and really happy, anonymous, until you accept him as your Saviour.
I'm going to guess your reaction to what I just said right now; You will probably say that that is the dumbest thing you ever heard, that I'm just repeating what my parents tell me... But it's true and I thank God that it is so!
Partial birth abortion is never necessary. Even if the mother's life is in danger. God has the power to save that mother's life without that baby (which as you admit) is a living human being. Don't you think that that little person has the right to live also?
This is absolute total garbage. There are women who are put in terrible terrible situations when a child doesn't develop properly in her womb and that child is putting her life and the child's potential for life in danger. There are MEDICAL PROCEDURES called Dilation and Extraction which is meant to protect the health and life of the mother. If a person does not believe in your religion, or your God, they ahve a right to choose medical procedures to protect themselves.
You're right, I don't believe in Jesus. I don't believe he is "watching me" and I don't believe that he existed as anything other than a man, then a myth. I'm sorry. You find comfort in stories and fables about a "mysterious God" "watchign over you" -- that's fine. if you choose to believe in those things to make you feel better about your life, then that is fine.
I, however, do not believe in any of it and that is my right.
Life support is another medical procedure for people that are already alive, human beings. this is different than a "mother's body" being used as "life support" for a yet unborn fetus. there is a huge difference.
"This is absolute total garbage. There are women who are put in terrible terrible situations when a child doesn't develop properly in her womb and that child is putting her life and the child's potential for life in danger. There are MEDICAL PROCEDURES called Dilation and Extraction which is meant to protect the health and life of the mother. If a person does not believe in your religion, or your God, they ahve a right to choose medical procedures to protect themselves."
I'm afraid I don't agree with you, they do not have the "right" to kill a human-being, which as you admit is a human-being, to save themselves. Would you justify a full-grown person killing another full-grown person so that they(the 1st.) would be safe?
" You're right, I don't believe in Jesus. I don't believe he is "watching me" and I don't believe that he existed as anything other than a man, then a myth. I'm sorry. You find comfort in stories and fables about a "mysterious God" "watchign over you" -- that's fine. if you choose to believe in those things to make you feel better about your life, then that is fine.
I, however, do not believe in any of it and that is my right."
Well, here I will also have to say you're wrong. God does exist even if you choose not to admit it. Jesus exists. Look at the world around you, do you really believe that it all happened just by chance? Study the complexities of the human body, do you really believe that it was created just by "chance"?
"Life support is another medical procedure for people that are already alive, human beings. this is different than a "mother's body" being used as "life support" for a yet unborn fetus. there is a huge difference."
How is it different? Take my story, the person on the feeding tube was DEPENDED on the feeding tube, therefore, by your logic, they weren't actually alive because they were depended on something to feed them.
A baby inside the mother's womb is depended on that mother's body to feed it so that it can grow, therefore, by your logic, the baby isn't alive either. How is that different from the example above?
Also, 2 questions:
Why do you believe there is no God?
Do you belive that there is right and wrong in this world and if so, who defines that right and wrong?
I do not believe in god, because i believe it is simply a myth people invent to make their lives seem hopeful. there is no evidence to me of some supernatural power.
I believe that everything is relative and there is a spectrum of right and wrong, with a very large grey area.
"I do not believe in god, because i believe it is simply a myth people invent to make their lives seem hopeful. there is no evidence to me of some supernatural power."
There is no evidence? Look around you, look at yourself, just examine your hand... Look at the way the bones are fashioned, do you really believe that the whole earth, humans, were created just by "chance"? That it was all just an "accident"?
Why do you believe God is a myth?
"I believe that everything is relative and there is a spectrum of right and wrong, with a very large grey area."
But who decides what is right or wrong, is it the government? the person? Are there just things that are plain wrong/right? Why are they?
Also, if you don't mind, I'd be interested to here your response to the below:
"Life support is another medical procedure for people that are already alive, human beings. this is different than a "mother's body" being used as "life support" for a yet unborn fetus. there is a huge difference."
How is it different? Take my story, the person on the feeding tube was DEPENDED on the feeding tube, therefore, by your logic, they weren't actually alive because they were depended on something to feed them.
A baby inside the mother's womb is depended on that mother's body to feed it so that it can grow, therefore, by your logic, the baby isn't alive either. How is that different from the example above?
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