Thursday, January 19, 2006

A new tag...

So I was tagged by Pete over at Pete's Place, and I guess I'm just supposed to tell you five random things about me, so here I go;

1. I wear dresses all the time (unless I go ice skating) and still think they're comfortable

2. I love blogging, and right now I don't really care if I say that it's one of my ways of "socializing"

3. I'm a hopeless romantic and I'm the emotional one in the family (I could NOT stop bawling when we recently watched "God's and Generals")

4. I love e-mails, and getting snail mail is the highlight of my day

5. In response to your comment, Pete, I also never wear makeup unless it's for a dance recital :)

And I decided to come up with my own version of "tag". This one is on subjects of school, for you homeschoolers. So here I go; this is what I do for school:

History: Is the biggest subject in the Duff homeschool. We have 1,000 books in our history curriculum and I am currently in Greece; reading the book "Ancient greece". A lot of our school is reading, which is great because it's not all the boring textbooks with dates and boring facts; we have several (good, educational) historical novels, which add some fun to the reading.

Science: We have the Apologia science books, and right now I'm in Biology, which is enjoyable. Science isn't my favorite subject, but I really like the Apologia books so I get through it.

Religion: I really appreciate this subject. I have really enjoyed reading books like "Unveiling Islam" and the one I just finished; "The pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer. Both are great books, and though our religion section is quite extensive I still learn a lot; sometimes it's more like a biblestudy.

Home Ec.: Since I recently finished our health section (this is all reading, by the way) I moved on to home ec., and right now I am reading "The hospitality Handbook" by Gregg Harris. It's a great book, and so far has inspired me to be... well, more hospitable when we have guests over. :)

Biblestudy: This time usually consists of reading a biblestudy guide (for now it's the Purpose driven life, by Rick Warren), a chapter in Psalms and then spend some time in prayer. My mind isn't very active in the morning when this happens though, so a more heartfelt prayer time usually has to be later in the day.

Math: My least favorite subject. I'm not one to enjoy the laws and rules involved in logic, and would much rather by reading religion or history. But oh well; Algebra 1/2 keeps me on my toes.

Other subjects in school include creative writing (usually happens on this blog), language (we have been learning Spanish at our Homeschool coops), I also happen to be quite learned in the childtraining area (this should be required for all young ladies who hope to be mothers, but sadly usually only those who live at home with their siblings are taught this art), I went through an economics course in our area which should get me High School credits, :) and I also take violin and ballet lessons, which qualify for music and physical exercise.

Impressed? I look forward to what these people have to say about their school at home:

Spunky Jr.
The Harris brothers (I'm not sure if you guys do tags, but I'm quite curious about your school schedule!)

God bless (and I thank Him for allowing me to school at home!),


Irish_horse_lover said...

Hurray first to post a comment... lol. Your very blessed to have over 1,000 books! I love reading and History is my favorite subject ever!

The Patriot said...

I really like the purpose driven life; a lot of it is stuff that we should already know, but it's really helpful just to read it all in plain (yet well written) words. I think rick warren did a great job on it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't done the tag yet! I'll try and get around to it tomorrow... 'k? :)