Saturday, September 03, 2005

Are there any history buffs reading my blog? If so, do you think this wallpaper looks... old enough to take care of? We are thinking of tearing the plaster walls down in our pantry. Our house is about 100 years old... I am sure the paper is about that old too. :) Posted by Picasa


Neemund said...

My guess is that the paper is from the early 20s but I'm no expert. Looks rather fancy like something my aunt would put in her dining room.

moehawk said...

off topic, but blogshares is a game modeled after the stock market, but with blogs instead of corporations.

you can claim your blog, and get 1000 shares of it for being the owner,and invest in other blogs by their value, present and future predictions considered...i personally don't know much about the stock market, but this game doesn't cost anything if you don't invest correctly! :)