Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Volunteer Ministry (no crooks allowed)

Ever since I was little I have always had an interest in nursing, and as I grew older military support became a passion as well. So I decided to combine the two interests by volunteering at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Omaha this year. I started out doing odd jobs at dialysis, before recently switching over to the radiology department. In any medical work there is always plenty of liability paperwork, but the VA seems to take particular interest in killing trees.

Needless to say, as a volunteer, I was given a 34 page “VA Cyber Security Awareness Course” to read. While I was skimming through it I came upon a rather humorous quiz that I proudly passed, with flying colors, without hardly reading a section of the course. I think you will too;


If you believe someone is breaking a computer crime law, you should:

  1. Not do anything about it

  2. Inform your ISO (Information Security Officer)

  3. Contact the news media

  4. All of the above

If you are working with medical data and you find interesting medical information about a neighbor, you should:

  1. Obey VA's confidentiality principles and not share the information with anyone except on a need to know basis for work related purposes

  2. Tell your other neighbors, but make sure that they promise not to tell anyone

  3. Print it out and take it home, as long as you don't share it with anyone

  4. Download the information to your personal USB flash drive

I really have no interest in stealing anyone's medical information, but I do value the experience, relationships, and chance to share the gospel in volunteering opportunities. Don't know what to do this summer? Try giving the gift of your time without being repaid. It won't be wasted in eternity!

Find a VA hospital near you


Anonymous said...

LOL at the quiz. The first set of answers make no sense. How can you have a "do nothing" answer, and a "do XYZ" answer, and then also have "all of the above"!? That's just silly!

Ella said...

Crooks aren't allowed to adopt children either =)

Duff said...

As a crook, I resent these restrictions of my rights.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jennifer!
It was so nice to meet you! You have such a calming and peaceful presence about you that I loved seeing.
I hope you had a blessed time with our team. We enjoyed having you.