Friday, November 07, 2008

Legislative Victory (i.e. involved teens)

It's been a long and short past few days as I look back at coordinating a volunteer group for a local campaign. My sister and I gathered 35 homeschoolers to make hundreds of phone calls, do literature drops and wave signs Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Our candidate was Beau McCoy for Legislature, and we were working in part as teen volunteer coordinators with the PAC.

I honestly had no idea what response we were going to get from the voters, and never saw any polls to know how Beau McCoy was coming. Even up to the few days before the election our opponent's supporters were making slanderous comments and sending out negative mailings about Beau McCoy. We were seeing money put to use, but money does not buy volunteers, and where negative rumors were sent circulating we had energetic teens running door to door and ten people to a street corner waving signs.

A month ago this quote was posted on New Nebraska Network;

"Regardless, even with a whole army of home schooled children "volunteering" for McCoy, this is still going to be a very close race. If the primary attacks on Moats are any indication, it's also going to get rather ugly from here on out."

We didn't have an army, but we did end up being blessed by having more volunteers than were expected. Regardless, the Lord didn't need an army to elect a godly man to office, but he chose to use homeschooled youth to impact society, and on Tuesday November 4th Beau McCoy was elected Senator of District 39 with 54% of the votes.

We were so blessed by the Lord for protecting all the volunteers, and also for providing beautiful weather (which promptly changed the day after election!). He provided for everything and we are so thankful that He chose Beau McCoy to run, and to win.

I am tempted to now take a deep breath and go "now I can relax!" when in reality, now is the time we need action more than ever. The decline of morality in our candidates has come about because of failure by evangelicals to be involved at the state level. We have to work from the bottom up, starting right here in our own cities, districts and states. Responsibility has been thrown out the window and apathy has taken hold of many so called "Christians", and it will be everything we can do to raise up godly leaders, equip them to run, and campaign for them.

So don't relax. This is just the beginning.


Anonymous said...

First of all, I applaud your efforts! I too am really involved with politics, and I think that we homeschoolers are in a great position to help the causes that we believe in. Even though I most likely would have supported the deomcratic candidate, I wanted to salute you for a job well done!

I really don't think that It is fair to call democrats "ungodly" and "un-Christian." I attend church twice a week and pray/study the Bible every day. I am also a staunch democrat! I believe that (right now at least) the democrats are fulfilling more of Jesus' ideals than the Republicans are. I believe that Obama will lower taxes for those that are struggling, keep our earth cleaner, provide sick children with health care, and help people who can't help themselves with government programs and financial aid. Those things sound a lot like "Love Oneanother" to me! I believe that God cares a lot more about us helping each other than he does about two men getting married!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Jennifer was a bit sweeping when she called democrats un-Christian. (Did she really say that??!!) And I'm thrilled that you study the Bible every day. Some questions you could ask when you study it is, what role does God give to the government? Who is He talking to when He commands us to "love one another"? When we look in the Bible we can see who God is talking to when He makes a command, and it makes a big difference.

For example, in Deut. 6 it talks a lot about the education of children - look at it and see who He gives the job to. Is it the government? Look at examples of health care and see who is providing it. He gives clear commands about taking dominion of the earth and all that is in it, but it seems that those commands are given to the personal property owner. If he does it well, he is prosperous, if not, he loses. I haven't found a place in Scripture where it gives guidance on a person, committee or government to regulate the dominion of the whole earth. Maybe because He set the boundaries for the seas and we don't have the power to undo His work! Proverbs 8:29 (ESV)
when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command,
when he marked out the foundations of the earth,

Check our Romans 13 for the role of government in our lives - pretty slim, isn't it! Instead, I see examples and commands in the Bible of families taking care of each other, friends serving one another, churches loving each other, in fact, Jesus' command to love one another that you partially quote is from John 13:34, 35. Jesus is talking here to His disciples and He is telling them to love the other disciples, His followers. It is a Christian to Christian love, not a government to all the people love. Besides, when was the last time you saw love come down from your government? Maybe you look at a check in the mail as love, but I see love a whole lot more when it comes from a real person, not a nameless entity.

Christians bonded together in churches are the ones who should be reaching out to the poor and helping the needy. They do a much, much better job of it than the government is able to do, and they can give spiritual blessings at the same time - something so much more important than physical blessings.

I think this is why Jennifer says Democrats are un-Christian, because the belief that government is the one to fulfill these commands is not Biblical. In fact, if one puts all this responsibility on the gov,it's easy to slip into thinking that the government is to be our savior - to save us from all our problems. I think that there are many Democrats who are Christians, but haven't looked at or been taught what the Lord says on these important topics.

May you grow in Him,
Jennifer's mother

Paul said...

Dear Jennifer's mother,

How beautifully, powerfully, and tactfully stated! I strongly applaud the stand Jennifer and her family are taking.

May all of you continue your excellent work!

And may all of you be blessed mightily by our Lord!

In His Service,
Paul Elliott